News and Updates

decision making


OODA Versus RPD: Reconciling Models of Cognition and Conflict

John Schmitt provides a comprehensive beak down of the overlap and distinct differences between Boyd's OODA model of conflict and Klein's RPD model of cognitive decision making, and describes the contexts in which they are best suited.

Scenario of the Month

Decisions for Patrol Officers

This month, we introduce a type of ShadowBox exercise we call ShadowBox Lite (SBXL), which is an abbreviated scenario with minimal set-up and only one decision point. The idea is to distill the decision down to its essence. Here we offer six SBXLs from law enforcement.


The Three-E Triangle – Training Tradeoffs

Reza Jalaeian discusses common challenges instructional designers face when creating effective, efficient, and engaging instruction and how the ShadowBox method can aid in attaining all three.


Focusing on the Problem – Part One

In Part One of John Schmitt's exploration of problem solving, he discusses the importance of adequately understanding a problem before coming up with a solution.

Scenario of the Month


This month's featured ShadowBox scenario is an abridged version of a scenario from our de-escalation course for law enforcement.


Observations on Nine Months of Decision-Making Training

Instead of pursuing a typical quarantine hobby (like baking homemade sourdough), John Schmitt spent his lockdown helping ROTC cadets further their military training. He describes the process of leading Tactical Decision Games remotely and the outcomes he observed.