Our solutions accelerate expertise


Our services are designed to enhance your organization’s greatest assets: your team’s knowledge, skills, and experience. Unlock your team’s potential by leveraging our unique solutions.

Train the cognitive dimension

Our specialized training approach is designed to leverage the experiences and insights of experts in your organization.

We build training and scenarios that highlight the unique challenges and objectives relevant to your goals.

Boost your expertise via training courses

Our Learning Center contains several courses, including our new Masterclass in Practical Decision Making.

Other courses are available for Law Enforcement and the Intelligence community.

Understand how people think

Our team has extensive experience with cognitive interviewing, qualitative data analysis, and knowledge management. We are always excited to apply these techniques to novel domains and challenges.

Conduct powerful risk assessments

The PreMortem approach was developed by Gary Klein as a way to forecast future problems and take actions to prevent failure.

We offer lessons and workshops to help teams understand and maximize the power of PreMortem.

Harness your Artificial Intelligence tools

We have developed several tools for developers, users, and researchers interested in enhancing complex AI systems.

These tools include the Cognitive Tutorial, Self-explanation scorecard, and collaborative XAI.